This chilli variety originates from Oaxaca, Mexico in the Cañada valley and used extensively across Mexico and throughout central America. The fruits eventually ripens to a dark brown colour and is prized for its deep aromatic smoky and chocolately flavour - hence why it is a key ingredient in Mole.
This plant will need supporting as the pods develop. It can be grown in pots or in the ground. Minimum pot size should be 3 litres, but the bigger the pot the better the yield.
The image to the left is of the unripe pods.
Heat level: mild, approximately 1,000 to 2,000 SHUs. Learn about Scoville Heat Units (SHUs) here.
Capsicum annuum
An average of 20 seeds per packet.
Growers Guide
Please find our chilli growing instructions here. Note: not for commercial crop production.