Hungarian Hot Wax Chilli Seeds
Hungarian Hot Wax Chilli Seeds
Mild to Medium
Produced using 100% renewable energy!
This plant is amazingly prolific and very easy to grow. The crisp, fleshy fruits are up to 11cm in length with a mild heat. The fruits are good for chopping into a stir fry or for frying/grilling whole. The fruits are normally harvested yellow to keep the plant fruiting, but if left on the bush they will ripen to orange. The first crop is ready for picking about 70 days from potting on.
We have found that this plant has a tendency to fruit a little too early, which can stunt its early growth. If this happens, simply pick off the first few fruits to allow the plant to develop a little longer. Heat: 2000 Scoville Heat Units. Average contents 15 seeds.
Growers Guide
Please find our chilli growing instructions here. Note: not for commercial crop production
Store in a cool, dry place.
Planted a bunch of different varieties at the same time and these were the first to germinate….with 100% success rate too!